Thursday, May 8, 2014

Early On.....

I just got done reading an article in May 2014 of Cosmo "Who Are you Calling a Bully?"  A 12 yr old girl, Rebecca, got dressed for school but instead of taking the bus she went to an abandoned cement plant where she climbed one of the two 60 foot high silos and leapt off.  Two of her classmates, one a former good friend Katelyn and the other girl Guadalupe, were arrested for aggravated-stalking charges but charges were later dropped for lack of evidence.  Katelyn asserts she did not do what police state.  The article tells about how Katelyn, two of her friends, and Katelyn's mother went to the abandoned plant discussing what happened, the three girls all came to the conclusion that poor Rebecca had slipped. 

Guadalupe had begun to like a boy that Rebecca had previously dated. Being the queen bee Guadalupe began to turn girls against Rebecca.  Katelyn did not want to deal with the drama telling Rebecca she thought it best if they were no longer friends.  Peers began telling Katelyn to fight Rebecca so one day someone pusher her into Rebecca and the two former friends began an altercation. 

Once Rebecca didn't return home from school her mother sought help from the police.  In the wee hours of the morning officers found 12 yr old Rebecca's body.  The investigation had begun with interviewing classmates only after finding some disturbing texts on her phone, and screensavers on her nook.  "What percent is considered overweight at 13?" "How many Advil to die?" "How do I get the blade out of my razor?" These are not things that should even cross a 12 yr olds mind.  It really is sad, and disturbing how cruel girls can be.  Guadalupe denied ever bullying Rebecca, well classmates told quite a different story.

All this turmoil over a boy?  It's not surprising in this day and age but this has got to stop!  Bullying someone over a boy.  Did calling her ugly, or fat make this boy like Guadalupe any more?  Nope I'm sure it didn't.  It really is sad how this kind of behavior carries over into our adult lives as well.  We've all done it, standing out somewhere with our friends seeing another woman dressed scantily clad and calling her a slut, or some other rude remark.  Does it makes us feel any better?  I can't say it does.  Are we on some level jealous of her for having the confidence to wear that out in public?  Possibly, maybe not but making judgments on someone else does not make us any better than they are.

Ages 12-18 years old can be really difficult for kids now a days, and its sad as opposed to band together these kids tear each other down because of their own insecurity, and uncertainty about who they are.  This transitions right into how the overweight are looked at like repulsive beings.

Staring at the morbidly obese person out to dinner with friends, or family with thoughts racing in our heads about how they must be lazy, and how could they be eating that?!?!  You have no idea that it might have taken the person all day to muster up the courage to leave the house and actually go out in public.  Maybe they don't know the right choices to make food wise, and are unable to afford to see a nutritionist. 

Words hurt.  I can recall in elementary school being overweight and the constant harassment.  When your last name is Cowley it doesn't take too long for kids to think of a name to call you.  Torment comes to mind, I hated going to school every single day.  None of those kids knew that my weight gain had started as a side effect from a epilepsy medication I had to take to keep my seizure disorder in check.  Would it have made them stop had they known? No I'm sure it wouldn't have I would've been ostracized for it I'm sure. 

Put yourself in that persons shoes for a few seconds.  Think about what it would be like to be that individual and walk into a gym.  How overwhelming would that be if you had no knowledge of the gym?  Feeling constantly judged by the stares, and faces on other gym goers.  It would be enough to make you retreat back to your home, and soothe yourself with that old friend food.

So next time before you make a snap judgment about someone try to exercise a little empathy.  Instead of making a face at someone at the gym, flash them a smile.  They're trying to make the first step to getting their life back.


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