Friday, April 25, 2014

The Beginning is Always a Good Place to Start...

Well I have struggled with my weight almost my entire life. I shouldn't say almost I have struggled with it for most of my life.  It was always the main source of my unhappiness.  Very vicious cycle that so many suffer from...... you're unhappy because you're overweight and you can't seem to lose the weight.  I probably started working out in gyms at the ripe young age of 12.  Nothing more embarrassing than being an overweight preteen in a gym with a skinny trainer.  But I'm not going to sit here and recount every failed attempt of a diet, workout program, weight loss program, etc. Basically I had tried every possible avenue under the sun.  You name it, I tried it. 

Roughly two years ago I had finished up my Masters Degree in Leadership and Public Administration, and needed something else to further intrigue my young inquiring mind.  At this point I had gotten really into lifting weights, I hadn't quite hit my peak of being obsessed with it just yet but that's coming soon!  I was still wanting lose weight, and determined to do it on my own so I used my graduation money to purchase my personal training certification, all of 3 days after finishing my Masters program (I really am a glutton for punishment).  I did my 6 months of studying and passed on my first try, which was completely shocking to me because I am a CRAP test taker.  And I mean CRAP!  I remember the moderator saying Congrats you passed!  I asked if he was sure he looked at the paper and was like Yeah you passed.  I was in disbelief!

I had started at a new badass gym at this point.  It is where I truly fell in love with lifting.  The atmosphere, the loud music, the weights, the was just all perfect to me.  I quickly found that I was much stronger than I could've ever dreamed.  I still think about it now and am like where did this beast come from?!?! 

So I finally looked into having Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.  I know many reading this are thinking "Well F*CK this! What a cop out! Easy way out!"  I have one thing to say to you "F*CK YOU" and I mean that in the nicest way possible :-)  If you knew anything about me you'd know that I once took that same position on having surgery.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  There is no worse feeling in the world than waking up every morning and hating yourself.  Feeling like a complete failure because you do everything the right way and you still can't lose the weight.  Looking in the mirror and having no idea who that person is staring back at you.  That is when you even look in the mirror.  I can remember avoiding a mirror at all costs because I was disgusted by what had happened to me.  By no means am I playing a victim card that's not my style, just giving some background on how I felt.

My new life started on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 @ 7:30 a.m.  I can recall waking up from anesthesia and asking when the hell I could get out of that damn hospital bed.  I walked as much as I could when I was there.  I was discharged on Friday, October 11th and actually walked out of the hospital.  I remember the nurse looking like WTF and my surgeon told her it was fine.  I took a 2 hour walk with my mom that Saturday.  Starting on Monday I walked 5 miles a day until I could get back in the gym 3 weeks later.  Took it easy with the weights the first few weeks but it didn't take long to get back to where I was.  I've lost 75+ lbs. at this point and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.  Can't stop won't stop! 


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